Thursday, 26 November 2020

MY first Haiku poem

 Walt: write a Haiku  poem . 

It is a  poem based on  syllables and follows a pattern of   5-7-5.

 He is a black dog.

 He is a black  handsome  dog. 

 He is the best dog.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

My hybrid animal

WALT write  an accurate description of to 2  animals merged into 1.

can you guess   my   hybrid  animals ?

My hybrid animal has  slimy scales and has a clear see through, glow in the dark tail . It lives in the  deep deep sea. It  has 4 legs with paws and it has  pointy triangle shaped  ears that are black and brown .It makes a deep throaty noise. It has two eyes and a mouth. It has a pointy nose and sharp teeth. It likes to swim around and eat anything in its path! It is a friendly animal.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Interesting Facts About Panda Bears

 There  are lots of types of  Panda Bear, two types are Giant Pandas and Red Pandas. These  two types are smaller than giant Pandas . 

09Giant Pandas are black and white and they have black circles around their eyes. They have black stripes on their tail. Red pandas  are red with black circles around their eyes. Red pandas look like a  red fox but much smaller. Red pandas are very lazy.

Pandas live in China in the trees and they hang upside down when they sleep. Pandas are curious about bamboo. Pandas eat bamboo and  fish . Panda Bears are comfortable in cold climates.

Panda Bears do not like people and can be very dangerous.

I think Panda Bears are beautiful animals and I enjoyed finding out fun facts about Panda Bears.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Kittens by Carol Peters

I chose this book because it sounds interesting and I love kittens. 

In room 4 we have been learning how to use Screencastify, this is my first attempt.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Friday Field Trip

 On Friday November the 6th Room 1 and Room 4 went on the bus to Margaret Mahy playground. We went on the turquoise twirly slide, spinney thing, big silver slide and Eva and Lily and I went on the trampolines at Margaret Mahy. We also went to the Museum and we went into a classroom and played games called Ropes and Marbles  and Snakes and Ladders. We had an amazing, fantastic time and the bus picked us up at 2pm and then we picked up the room  1  kids. We then went back to school to go home. That was our field trip.  The end    Written by Amelia and Charlie